Give ’em a grade


Have you seen this before?

Last week’s prompt asked you to consider the role of various platforms in monitoring or “censoring” objectionable material. As many of you pointed out, it’s a monumental task. But, it’s important. No more so important than in the past few days when the webosphere has been filled with misinformation before, during and after the election. Here’s a snippet from a Politico story about this and, please bear in mind, this story was posted some time ago … things have NOT got better since:

“Posts using the hashtags #StealTheVote and #VoterFraud garnered more than 300,000 interactions, including likes, comments and shares, on Facebook in the hours after Trump falsely declared victory, according to data from CrowdTangle, a social analytics firm owned by Facebook.”

So, give social media a grade. How did it do? You can be specific (Twitter did label a number of Trump tweets as misinformation) or talk more generally about how well they handled posts related to the election. Did anyone get an “A”? Did anyone fail? Give ’em a grade and offer a brief explanation as to how they did or didn’t measure up.



David Staton
JMS 215 Social Media Storytelling

Professor, rescue dog dad, father to two felines, music/book lover